Friday, August 7, 2009


I am in the middle of a blog face lift - which will position me for the "relaunch" of the Sweet and Sassy Miss V. I am a total remedial blogger - but I will get there just hold tight.

Soon there will be a relaunch.....and this one might be more successful.


Sally said...

Hey girl!! WOW! I'm SO happy to see you MsV. Haved missed you a whole bunch!! Will keep checking back. (((((((hugs)))))))

itisi said...

Happy Day!!!
They say good things come to those who I will be checking back!
I am sooo very excited to have you back, Vickie!!!
You just don't know how much I have missed you!!!

Evansmom said...

Can;'t wait to see it....

Susan said...

Glad to see word from you. I think of you often and look forward to seeing more from you!

Walker said...

Well its about time you sat down and left us a crumb.
I have missed you as I am sure everyone else has to

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

Well I shall check back and will be interested in how it turns out.

Good Luck.


Rick said...

Hello Vickie, This is Rick from Organized Doodles. Please forgive me. I'm making a shameless plug for my blog. If you get a chance I would appreciate it if you voted for me @...

It's easy, just click on the little blue "Vote Now" button near the top. The contest ends tonight and the competition is closing in. Thanks